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Female Birders Flocking to Colombia 2025

5 - 15 July, 2025.

Explore Colombia's beauty with our tailored tour for adventurous women! Immerse yourself in vibrant culture and stunning landscapes, home to the world's highest bird biodiversity. Explore the biological diversity of northern Colombia's highlands and coastal environments.  Encounter inspiring Colombian women forging sustainable paths post-war, and indigenous communities embracing birdwatching for conservation and income. Explore the Caribbean's cultural tapestry, which combines indigenous, Spanish, and African elements. Join us on this incredible trip of exploration, where every moment provides connection, learning, and inspiration among Colombia's wonders!

Dates: 5 - 15 July, 2025.

Level: Easy Pace, Enthusiastic

What our clients say

Animals you might see on this tour

Keel-billed Toucan

Scarlet Ibis

Santa Marta parakeet

Yellow-crowned Redstart

Santa Marta Blossomcrown

Blue-naped Chlorophonia

Santa Marta Mountain-Tanager

Santa Marta Antpitta

Santa Marta Brushfinch

American Flamingo

Russet-throated Puffbird

Scarlet-fronted Parakeet

Black-fronted Wood-Quail

Southern Emerald-Toucanet

Tocuyo Sparrow

White-bellied Antbird

Tyrian metaltail

Blue-capped Tanager

Black-capped Tanager

Northern Screamer

Black-capped Tyrannulet

Golden-winged Sparrow

Orange-billed Nightingale-thrush

Rusty-breasted Antpitta

Santa Marta Screech-owl

Swallow Tanager

Indigo-capped Hummingbird

Buff-necked Ibis

Scaled Piculet

Crested Bobwhite

White-tailed Starfrontlet

White-fringed Antwren

Sierra Nevada Brushfinch

Vermilion Flycatcher

Black-necked Stilt

White-tipped Quetzal

Orinocan Saltator

Buff-breasted Mountain-Tanager

Masked Trogon

Bare-eyed Pigeon

Gray Kingbird

Rufous-tailed Hummingbird

Band-tailed Guan

White-tailed Trogon

Pearl Kite

Reddish Egret

Lined Quail-Dove

Flammulated Treehunter

Santa Marta Bush-tyrant

Black-backed Thornbill

Blue-grey Tanager

Brown Violetear

Double-toothed Kite

Glaucous Tanager

Military Macaw

Mouse-colored tyrannulet

White-lined Tanager

Spectacled caiman

Scarlet Ibis

Rusty Flowerpiercer

Rufous-vented Chachalaca

Paramo Seedeater

Pale-eyed Pygmy-tyrant

Black Vulture

Black-and-white Owl

Caribbean Hornero

Double-striped thick-knee

Dwarf cuckoo

Grey-capped cuckoo

Lesser Yellow-headed Vulture

Pied Puffbird

Sapphire-bellied Hummingbird

Stripe-backed Wren

Turkey Vulture

Santa Marta Antbird

Streak-capped Spinetail

White-whiskered Spinetail

Vermilion Cardinal

Pileated Finch

Snail Kite

Santa Marta warbler

Stygian Owl

Great Kiskadee

Tropical Kingbird

Gray-headed Tanager

Striped Cuckoo

American Oystercatcher

Common Potoo


Day 1. Arrival to Cartagena

Arriving in Cartagena, you're greeted by a vibrant tapestry of coastal charm. Your hotel, a perfect blend of modern luxury and Caribbean elegance, awaits beneath the azure sky. Enjoy a welcoming dinner with the tour leader on your first night.

Accommodation at Radisson Hotel.

Day 2. Birding at Cienaga de la Virgen, visit to Damartes Project & Traditional drums workshop

Our journey begins in La Boquilla, a charming fishing village of African descent, where cultural resistance has preserved traditions for over 200 years. Ciénaga de la Virgen, the vibrant swamp at its heart, echoes with rhythmic drumming celebrating heritage. In the mangroves, we'll start our day with enchanting birdwatching, focusing on diverse shorebirds. Then, we'll explore DAMARTES, where resilient women craft jewelry and accessories from coconuts, and BATAMBORA, a youth-led project preserving African heritage through drumming. This immersive experience promises creativity, resilience, and the rhythmic beats defining La Boquilla's cultural tapestry.

Accommodation at Radisson Hotel.

Day 3. City tour in Cartagena Walled city and transfer to Barranquilla

Located on Colombia's northern coast, Cartagena boasts a rich history dating back to its founding in 1533 as a major port. Its strategic location facilitated trade between Spain and its empire, with the city thriving by the early 1540s.
During the colonial era, Cartagena played a vital role in global trade, serving as a key port for Peruvian silver and African slaves. Fortified against pirate attacks, its impressive castles and walls still stand, reflecting its historical importance.
Cartagena's colonial walled city and fortress are UNESCO World Heritage Sites, showcasing architectural marvels and strategic planning. We'll explore these historic landmarks, immersing ourselves in Cartagena's stories before continuing our journey towards Barranquilla, cherishing the city's enduring cultural legacy.

Accommodation at Barranquilla Plaza Hotel.

Day 4: Birding Isla Salamanca National Park & Barranquilla Area

Our journey leads us to Isla Salamanca National Park with an intriguing stop near Barranquilla. Here, we'll explore dry scrub forests in search of the endemic Chestnut-winged Chachalaca and other unique species like the Northern Screamer and Trinidad Euphonia.

Morning unfolds in Salamanca National Park's vast wetlands and mangroves, vital for conservation along the Barranquilla-Santa Marta highway. Expect sightings of the endemic and critically endangered Sapphire-bellied Hummingbird, alongside a variety of other birds such as the Bicolored Conebill and Black-crested Antshrike.

Accommodation at Barranquilla Plaza Hotel.

Day 5. Visit to the Stilt villages of Cienaga Grande - Transfer to Minca

Near the majestic Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta Mountain Range lies the Ciénaga Grande Fauna and Flora Sanctuary, the largest lagoon area in Colombia and a Ramsar site since 1998. Recognized by UNESCO as a Biosphere Reserve in 2000, it's home to diverse wildlife and a thriving community of around 2,500 inhabitants engaged in local fisheries. Visitors explore the sanctuary's stunning landscapes, mangrove mazes, and traditional stilt houses, gaining insight into the resilience of these communities. In the heart of the sanctuary, nature and humanity harmoniously coexist, offering visitors a unique blend of ecological wonders and traditional lifestyles. In the afternoon, we'll transfer to Minca, located in the Sierra Nevada foothills.

Accommodation at Colores de la Sierra Lodge.

Day 6. Birding around Minca & visit to a traditional Coffee Farm

In the foothills of the Sierra Nevada, Minca offers diverse birding habitats from dry scrub to shade-coffee plantations. Look out for species like the Golden-winged Sparrow and Keel-billed Toucan. Bird feeders at local restaurants attract the White-vented Plumeleteer and other hummingbirds, ideal for photography. Our journey includes a stop at Hacienda La Victoria, one of Colombia's oldest coffee farms, where you'll learn about coffee cultivation and enjoy stunning views.

Accommodation at Colores de la Sierra Lodge.

Day 7. Birding the road towards Sierra Nevada of Santa Marta

As we ascend into the Sierra Nevada of Santa Marta, prepare to encounter a captivating array of low elevation endemic birds. Look out for species like the Santa Marta Tapaculo, Santa Marta Woodstar, White-lored Warbler, Santa Marta Blossomcrown, and Santa Marta Foliage-gleaner. You may also spot the Santa Marta Antbird along the way. The avian spectacle continues with sightings of the White-tipped Quetzal, Groove-billed Toucanet, Golden-breasted Fruiteater, and Rusty-breasted Antpitta. Each contributes to the remarkable biodiversity of the Sierra Nevada. Immerse yourself in this mountainous environment filled with the melodies and colors of these unique birds.

Accommodation at Mountain House Lodge.

Day 8. Birding at Sierra Nevada of Santa Marta higher elevation

Starting early in the morning, we'll spend much of our day exploring the highest elevations of the Sierra Nevada, home to an incredible array of endemic bird species. Keep an eye out for the critically endangered Santa Marta Parakeet, Yellow-crowned Whitestart, Santa Marta Warbler, and Santa Marta Bush-Tyrant, among others. Along the San Lorenzo Ridge, we'll encounter treasures like the White-tailed Starfrontlet and Streak-capped Spinetail. Returning to the lodge, we'll search for the Colombian Brushfinch, Santa Marta Brush-Finch, and other endemic subspecies, including the Cinnamon Flycatcher and Black-hooded Thrush.

Accommodation at Mountain House Lodge.

Day 9. Morning birding at the Sierra Nevada and Transfer to Tayrona Area

On day 9 of our birdwatching adventure in the Sierra Nevada, we'll continue exploring the region's specialties. We may revisit San Lorenzo Ridge or head to lower elevations near Minca to spot any missed species. In the late afternoon, we'll descend to a coastal hotel for some coastal birding, adding a diverse range of species to our experience. Accommodation at Hukumeizi Lodge near Tayrona National Park offers a serene backdrop for relaxation after another day of avian discoveries.

Accommodation at Hukumeizi Lodge

Day 10. Full day at Los Flamencos Flora and Fauna Sanctuary

Between Camarones village and the Tapias River lies the captivating Los Flamencos Flora and Fauna Sanctuary, on the western edge of the Guajira desert. Its network of inland lagoons hosts numerous shorebirds, including the iconic American Flamingo and Scarlet Ibis. We'll bird with knowledgeable local Wayuu guides in the morning, exploring both avian diversity and the Wayuu culture of weaving and tradition.
The surrounding xerophytic scrub habitat is home to regional specialties like the Vermilion Cardinal and Orinocan Saltator. In the afternoon, we'll experience traditional dances of the indigenous Wayuu or Guajiro community, showcasing their cultural resilience and richness.

Accommodation at Hukumeizi Lodge.

Day 11. International flights

As our birdwatching adventure concludes, we'll enjoy a final breakfast at the lodge, cherishing the beauty of Colombia's natural surroundings. With memories in our hearts and vibrant bird photos in hand, we'll depart for Barranquilla to catch our international flights. This morning offers a perfect time to reflect on our incredible journey, share stories, and bid farewell to the diverse landscapes and captivating birdlife that made this experience truly special.